Natura Products

EM based dry cleaning soaps, detergents, and filters.

EM refers to Effective Microorganisms, the most popularly used naturally occurring beneficial microorganisms, which sustainably decomposes contaminates, eliminates filter clogging, hunts harmful bacteria to prevent bacterial growth, and more.”

Available Products

EM Hydrocarbon Soap

Clean up rivers, neutralize harmful micro-organisms and repel insects with EM, a group of more than 80 types of usefull micro-organisms.

EM Herb Soap

The scent of herbs comes out only in the drums and does not remain on the clothes. It’s the same as all existing soaps and only smells different.

EM Perc Soap

The cleaning process can now be used by people who have sensitive skin and allergies due to the removal of harmful bacteria which cause these sensitivities.

EM Ninja Wet

It’s an outstanding wrinkle remover. The microorganisms remove all bacteria and stains. The specially formulated soap helps clothes retain their original color and texture.

EM Silicone Soap

EM’s anti oxidation properties prevents any yellowing of garments and also, by attacking the bad bacteria which tend to eat away at fabrics, increases the life of your garments. 

EM Filter 230

The filter life is greatly extended to over a year and maintenance is extremely easy due to the fact that there is no sludge formation and environmental pollution is greatly reduced.

EM Filter 470

The filter life is greatly extended to over a year and maintenance is extremely easy due to the fact that there is no sludge formation and environmental pollution is greatly reduced.

Zendama Bio Joe
Laundry Detergent

Whitens Whites, Brightens Colors, and Original colors restores.

EM Stain Killer

Originated from a traditional Japanese detergent used to wash kimonos, is a detergent used to remove all types of stains.

EM pre-spot

EM Pre-Spot Will Safely, but efficiently remove “hard-to-move” stains when it is applied before a wash.

EM Spot Killer

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EM Ninja Hydro Carbon Soap

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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