- Clean up rivers, neutralize harmful micro-organisms and repel insects with EM, a group of more than 80 types of usefull micro-organisms (yeasts, malts, lactobacilli, actinomycetes, photosynthetic bacteria, filiform bacteria, etc…
- Reduce the chance of insect infestation, propagation of molds and prevent oxidation of fabrics.
- The cleaning process can now be used by people who have sensitive skin and allergies due to the removal of harmful bacteria which cause these sensitivities.
- EM’s antioxidation properties prevent any yellowing of garments and also by attacking the bad bacteria, which tend to eat away at fabrics, increase the life of your garments.
- Garments cleaned with EM soap tend to stay fresher longer and last longre.
- Due to the fact that EM is a natural insect repellant, insects and larvae will not attac fabrics cleaned with EM soap.
- Mold will not form on garments cleaned with EM soap.
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